Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The beautiful story of danny and annie!

so i found this video on a blog i follow and although people actually read hers and i only have one follower i still wanted to post this video for by any chance someone landed on my blog can watch this beautiful story.


  1. Carlene! This is Silvia, and I started following your blog a few days ago. The only reason it doesn't show up is because my blog is under a different blog company...thing. (I use tumblr instead of blogspot/blogger.
    Anyway, just thought I'd let you know you have more than one follower. :)

  2. yay. lol thats so awesome. i hope you will continue to follwo me; although im not Constantly posting things. i will try and work on that but as of now life has been busy. i want to scan some photos i took in my intro to photography class, that ive developed myself and printed myself and see if the world, or just you like them :)

  3. hey silvia feel free to write comments on things, that way i can get your feedback.

  4. will do :) and believe me, I understand it's hard to update is just too busy sometimes.

  5. PS I love photography, so I'd like to see what you've been working on!

  6. cool. im having a friend set up my scanner so i can start uploading my pictures:)
