Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Craft time!

i have been inspired lately to work on hair accessories. since i spend a lot of money on my hair accessories i thought i should do some D.I.Y. projects. its been fun, although nothing comes out perfect i like it.

Monday, February 14, 2011


why is it at this time of the school year i am barely giving 25%, grrrrrr i have one more year left and these classes are super important i need to find the motivation. i need to give atleast 100%.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


a college campus is quite amusing, socially awkward individual, dry joke, words used like cooly wooly; college life is filled with all sorts of fun and interesting things. i say thank goodness for friends and some small pleasures (like number o2 pencils, and puzzles in the library) because if not idk if i could deal with it. i sometimes become annoyed when someone looks for help and finds very little of it, i encourage my fellow man to be more patient and helpful when assisting others.